Research Institute for Translation Studies (RITS)

Document Type : Translation Studies


1 Assistant Professor, English Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch

2 MA, English Translation, English Language Department, Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch



In this research, the quality of the Persian translation of a computer textbook was assessed based on House’s model of Translation Quality Assessment (TQA). To achieve reliable results, the two aspects of repeatability and reproducibility were considered. To ensure repeatability, researchers assessed the translation quality of randomly selected excerpts. After two weeks, excerpts were reassessed to ensure no differences were in the frequencies and kinds of detecting mismatches. Regarding reproducibility, four raters were asked to assess the translation quality of excerpts to ensure no differences were noted between the reported results by the researchers and raters. Moreover, the inter-rater reliability of the researchers and raters was measured. The chi-square test was used to measure the differences between expected and observed errors as well. Both theoretical and statistical analyses emphasize that the quality of the Persian translation is low; furthermore, it was translated overtly rather than covertly.
